Testing Center

 Iftikhori Amonkul

Position: Head of testing center
Working phone number: (+992 37) 237 30 84 

 The testing center of the Universitywas established on the decision of the  Council scientists on November 30 2017 № /4-3 covering two working unites – the head of the center and a specialist .

The testing center in eccordance with the structure of the institute is subordinated to the department of education .

It should be noted that during the distance and final exams the electronic library of the institute is used with 50 units and 3 computer classrooms located in the educational building on the first and third floor with 112 units.

Totally 162 computers accept exams.

At the testing center of the Institute. The database test questionnaires from all the educational subjects amount of at least 200 different questionnaires and tests was organized. At the Institute various forms of tests were implemented in one questionnaires  and have been started using their written and electronic with informative and relative technologies in the teaching process and final exams.

The database test questionnaires from all the educational subjects were organized with the amount of at least 200 different questionnaires and tests at the testing centers of the Institute.

 The testing center has organized a website on the Institute s website which contains set of test tasks , various forms of tests in one questionnaires, located instructional and methodological  materials for passing the exams.

The normative legal acts of the testing centre and job description of the centre s staff have been harmonized with the Regulation of the credit system of education, the Regulations of the faculty, the Regulation of the department , the Regulation of distance education in the higher education Institutions of the Republic of Tajicistan

The general rules of marking – raiting system and regulation of the assessment to the degree of mastering the curriculum of disciplines have been prepared and approved and is used in the educational process and the system of conrol and assessment.